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New Academy Lesson: Torque.js


The Map Academy, our repository of long form lessons on important skills in CartoDB, has a new lesson on using Torque.js. The interactive map above is the end product of this Map Academy lesson. Torque is CartoDB’s technology that allows you to make animated maps. It is an open source JavaScript library that you can use through CartoDB.js.

Check out the new lesson on Torque.js, the fourth in our series on CartoDB.js.

By the way, did you notice that we also put up a new lesson on PostGIS in CartoDB recently? If not, head over to it to learn about geospatial buffers, making lines, intersections, and much more! We also have more lessons on beginner cartography in CartoDB as well as Map Design.

Want to learn something in CartoDB but don’t have the resources? Leave some suggestions in the Map Academy repo, or send me a Tweet!

Happy Mapping!!

Map of the Week: Trailing Fishers in the Suburbs


Guest post by Laura Allen

When I pitched my article Keeping up with the Carnivores for JSTOR Daily on the encroachment of predators into urban America, I knew that one of my favorite carnivores, fishers, were perfect for the story. Fishers are slinky members of the weasel family that have bounced back in recent decades from historic hunting pressure.

In 2012, when I was writing new interpretive panels for the restored dioramas in the American Museum of Natural History’s Hall of North American Mammals (you know it—the one with the big brown bear), I learned from mammalogist Roland Kays that fishers were no longer confined to deep evergreen forests as in the White Mountains, NH scene depicted in the 1950’s-era diorama below.

AMNH Diorama

Kays’ GPS-tracking studies had turned up fishers in the populous suburbs of Albany, NY, and the species has been making its way into even more crowded areas along the East Coast such as Westchester and Boston. Last summer, an intrepid fisher was even spotted skulking along a Bronx street at dawn.

These enigmatic animals are most active at night, when we’re least likely to notice them. I wanted my readers to get a feel for how close fishers can come to our homes and the businesses that we frequent, right under our noses. So I decided to make some of the tracking maps that I had seen in Kays’ scientific papers come alive with CartoDB. Here’s how I did it.

Getting the Data

Kays referred me to Scott LaPoint, one of his former graduate students, who had collected the fisher data. Here’s Scott and a fisher with a GPS collar. The animal is sedated, otherwise she wouldn’t be so compliant.

Scott LaPoint

Scott had mapped some of his data points on Google Earth, but hadn’t done much with the data for a public audience. He sent me a screen shot of his maps of Phineas, a fisher lingering in forest fragments near a major mall, subdivisions, and six lanes of the I-87 outside of Albany.

Google Map of Fisher Tracks

Without any design or interpretation, Phineas’ dataset looked like a plate of spaghetti: it was comprised of 2,434 points collected over three weeks time during the winter of 2011. My goal was to tease apart that spaghetti.

I was inspired by CartoDB maps from a Belgian animal-tracking project called LifeWatch, which visualized two months of movements of a lesser black-backed gull named Eric. Using LifeWatch’s pointers, I asked Scott to format a CSV of Phineas’ movement data for me with three columns:

  1. latitude in decimal degrees
  2. longitude in decimal degrees
  3. timestamp

I also wanted to give viewers context for where fishers live beyond Albany, and where they used to live in the past. So Scott also passed me shapefiles for the fishers current range and their “refugia” range - where the species was at its most contracted distribution during the 1800s.

Playing With the Data

I imported Phineas’ data to CartoDB, then tried a simple occurrence map that showed where he was hanging out most often. This was easy to make with CartoDB’s intensity option in the visualization wizard. Phineas’ data points were anywhere from a minute to an hour apart. Since the intensity map shows each point as semitransparent, the more closely spaced in time and space the points are, the darker the resulting color.

The takeaways? The occurrence map shows two things best: Phineas’ territory, and the places where he spent much of his time. The darkest spots are not dense in the strict sense, which are only used by females to give birth and to raise young, but rather trees or brush piles where this fisher loitered for sun and shelter on a cold day.

But the occurrence map didn’t explain timing: when he was resting, moving, or how he got from one place to another.

Making the Final Map

To show how Phineas changed his location over time, I needed to draw lines between the points, as Scott had done with Google Earth. I duplicated the data table, then employed the same PostgreSQL queries used in LifeWatch’s Map of Trips Per Day to add a day_of_year column and lines between the days.

Next, I simplified. I imagined this map could put Phineas’ “work week” into perspective—five nights of activity while we humans slept unaware. I selected the five most interesting consecutive nights, where Phineas not only roamed a great distance, but also ventured into backyards and across the highway and back. I filtered these days from my visualization using this SQL query.


Phineas work week

The result was much simpler spaghetti, but Phineas’ tracks needed even more granularity—how far did he go on Monday? Tuesday? I made a few more decisions:

  • Applied a 5-bucket choropleth map using CartoDB’s Wizard.
  • Chose a color ramp with an intuitive progression of shades.
  • Tweaked the colors in CSS to make the nightly lines more easily distinguished.

The result:

Phineas track map

Adding Interactivity

Now, I wanted to make the map interactive by highlighting notable moments on Phineas’s journey.

First, I made all the points slightly visible along his route—much like local stations on a train line—by adding a new layer. This layer imported the points from the original table, the one without the lines.

Second, I formatted the notable moments. To the “points” data table, I added two new string columns, one called “details” and the other called “level”. To selected timestamps, I entered a caption in “details”, relating, for example, that Phineas boldly darted across a cul-de-sac on Monday at 8AM, precisely when people would be departing for their own jobs.

For those timestamps with a caption, I also added a unique identifier in “level” (the word “second”). This was my shorthand that only these selected timestamps would have a second “level” of point size—the express stops, so to speak, on that train line, which obscured the little points underneath. I styled the CSS for a larger point width, a black fill color, and a colored outline. Here’s an example of my CSS for the “Friday” highlights:

/* choropleth visualization */#phineas_data_filtered_points_only::points{marker-fill-opacity:1;marker-line-color:#fff;marker-line-opacity:0;marker-fill:#fff;marker-allow-overlap:false;marker-placement:point;marker-type:ellipse;[day_of_year=42]{marker-fill:#ff4d4d;}[level='second'][day_of_year=42][zoom=13]{marker-fill:#000;marker-width:7;marker-opacity:1;marker-line-opacity:1;marker-line-width:2;marker-line-color:#ff4d4d;}}

I also customized the size of all points dependent on the zoom level so they wouldn’t disappear when backed out nor overwhelm the view when close up.

Third, I enabled infowindows for the points layer, turning on the “timestamp” and “details” column. Now people could hover over any point to get a little or a lot of info.

I quickly realized, however, that the timestamps Scott had formatted were problematic for the popups. No one was going to read 2011-02-07T08:02:00Z and understand when Phineas was there. So to my “points only” table I added a new string column called “date” and used this PostgreSQL query to convert Scott’s timestamps into a string, for example: Mon, Feb 07 8:02 AM.

UPDATEphineas_data_for_lauraSETdate=to_char(esttimestamp,'Dy, Mon DD YYYY HH12:MI:PM')

Here are other date/time formatting options that you can use.

Range Changes

Finally, to visualize how fishers’ range has changed over time, I imported the current and refugia range shapefiles into CartoDB, added them as separate layers to the visualization, and styled them using the Visualization Wizard’s “Simple” option. I added a hint in the title to zoom out, and voilà: in one map, we can see five nights in the life of Phineas, and 100+ years for the species.

If you live outside of the fishers’ current range but think you’ve spotted one in your backyard, take a picture and tweet me @Laura_J_Allen. We can make a whole new sort of map!

Go Bananas with the MailChimp Connector


It’s time to get that marketing data analysis monkey off your back, and CartoDB is glad to help! We are excited to introduce the new MailChimp Connector, a feature that melds our mutual love of efficiency and awesome geospatial visualizations with the data captured by a leading Email Server Provider.

CartoDB + Mailchimp

As any aspiring marketing guru will tell you, data on client outreach is super important. Now you can aggregate that data directly from your MailChimp account into CartoDB.

What this means is, you can now map your MailChimp campaigns—your marketing analysis just became that much easier! Now you have the ability to visualize where and when clients opened or clicked on your email campaigns, and where and when outreach was less effective.

Mapping your campaigns provides a key tool to developing efficient target marketing strategies. With CartoDB’s MailChimp connector you can visualize the global distribution of your user base, review where you should be increasing your marketing investment and efforts, and watch the historical expansion of your user base in an animated torque map. You can also analyze the correlation between your target users and the response to your campaigns based on segments, location, and audience type—the possibilities are infinite.

With our new dashboard you can you see your data up front and check which campaigns have worked the best. And, if you have the synced tables feature in your account, you’ll be able to monitor your campaign performance in near-real time—have you realized how much time and effort that’ll save? Leave your archaic spreadsheet behind, and impress colleagues and superiors with a beautiful visualization of all your hard work and effort.

You can upload your MailChimp data directly into CartoDB, and start creating maps and datasets in just a few clicks.

CartoDB + Mailchimp

It’s so simple.

  • Authenticate with MailChimp
  • Reveiw a list of your campaigns (they must have the geo-option enabled)
  • Select a campaign
  • BOOM! Map created

This feature is available for all of our users because we love you and this monkey means business. <3

Happy mapping!

Some different ways to use Torque


Last weekend I published a pretty long blog post about some Torque methods you probably haven’t used. If you have used Torque before to make maps with data and are interested in how to use it in new ways, go read the full post.

Some of the methods I describe in the blog post are advanced and undocumented. The post serves as a good starting point for you to explore, learn, and innovate with a really tool for rendering geospatial data on the web. Here are two of my favorites.

Grid-intensity map

Static preference map

Keep an eye out for some coming blog posts where we’ll be expanding upon some of these and other advanced methods for making maps.

Let us know what you make and happy mapping!

Our favorite Earth Day maps


At CartoDB our toes grow green. That is to say, we love our planet, environment, biodiversity, clean water, and all great things that envelope our shared hunk of rock in space. So Happy Earth Day! Celebrate with us by reaching out to your favorite organizations, getting out on your favorite trails, and of course, exploring some of your favorite environment maps :)

Here are some of our favorite maps from the past year that help us understand our world and help us connect with our local and global environment.

NYC Tree maps

Two really cool projects leapt onto our radar this week. The first is a longer running project Treekit that aims to help NYC citizens map and manage their own trees. Technical.ly had a very nice write-up of the project in their article TreeKIT platform incorporated into NYC Parks tree census.

The second project, NYC Street Trees by Species, is an interactive map built with CartoDB that lets you explore every tree catalogued from the last NYC Tree Census mapped. It gives you some nice filters to explore and learn about this city’s canopy.

CartoDB + Mailchimp

Visualizing forest change

The next two projects are looking at trees, and more specifically deforestation and forest change, at global scales. The first is a long-time collaborator of CartoDB, Global Forest Watch. The GFW team is building a comprehensive online platform and mapping tool that allows you to dig into data related to deforestation. The platform is used by policy makers, scientists, and journalists alike to help us all defend our forests from the diversity of threats they face. To get a sense of the work enabled by GFW, take some time to read through their blog.

The next project is actually a collection of many projects known as InfoAmazonia. InfoAmazonia provides everything from workshops, to data, to news and maps that help inform people about changes to the endangered Amazon region. The maps they create are often simultaneously beautiful and alarming, but in the end hopefully help us identify change and create solutions for the future. Take a look at this map of supply chain connections to China.

And if you’re in New York City on May 15th, stop by our conference, GeoJourNews, to hear Miguel of InfoAmazonia give a talk on maps and Jeo.

Tracking the birds

I love a map that shows animal movements. I have no idea why, but I can’t help but get lost in them. I’m biased, but I have loved every map that LifeWatch INBO has created from their projects tracking Gulls across Belgium and elsewhere. If you are interested in making these types of maps, LifeWatch INBO prepared some really nice tutorials too. One of the things I love the most about their maps is how willing they are to explore both scientific maps that help explain their research and more artistic maps that inspire and engage in a different way.

Take a look at the life patterns of these two gulls:

If you love animal tracking maps, also check out this map of a Fisher moving in urban areas or this map Spencer the house cat. Want to learn more? Check out our Academy lesson on Torque methods and stork migration patterns here!

Mapping the air

It is important to communicate the impact of our populations and industries on the environment. One of the most apparent and difficult of these to communicate is pollution. Here we have two maps that have worked to help communicate the impact on our society.

The first map was published in the Los Angeles Times and helps to unravel a state-generated report on various scores of pollution into a simple-to-use interface for anyone to explore.

The second map is part of a series of maps produced by Yale’s Environmental Performance Index. The EPI has mapped out pollution and biodiversity metrics in a number of different ways. Not only to engage a broader general audience, but to successfully engage scientists in mapping and the user of interactive maps for communication. The following map shows how users of Weibo have engaged in topics related to pollution, read the full write-up over here.

Hopefully one of these maps inspire you to get out and discover or communicate something about our environment today!

Happy Earth Day!

Layers of Meaning from Tables of Data: Creating A Multi-layer Geoportal app on the CartoDB Platform


Multilayer Geoportal site

“How many layers does CartoDB support?” It’s a question we hear often. The word “layer” has been a part of the GIS nomenclature since the times of John Snow, and the geospatial community is used to thinking in terms of layers. Many of the prevailing desktop GIS software packages support this mode of thinking with “layer browsers” that have checkboxes for roads, parks, tax lots, pipes - in short, each and every type of dataset in the user’s project.

Aye, but there’s the word: dataset! A “layer” is often really just a dataset. Nothing more, nothing less. In a relational database environment, like CartoDB, individual datasets are stored as tables. And since PostgreSQL (and therefore CartoDB) can support thousands and thousands of tables of data, the answer to “how many layers does CartoDB support?” is pretty much as many as you would like! If you need to, this makes creating a “geoportal” site to all your organization’s geospatial datasets no problem at all.

CartoDB Editor with Sublayers

Given this reality, you’d be forgiven for being confused by the “limit” of 4-6 layers (think tables!) in visualizations/maps made through the CartoDB Editor on our monthly plans (10 layers on Enterprise). Each CartoDB visualization/map corresponds to one set of map tiles, and so these “layers” are really better described as “sublayers” that come together (with their constituent CartoCSS, SQL, and other parameters) to form a single tile layer. Sublayers are referenced as such in the CartoDB.js documentation, and can be added with CartoDB.js’ “createLayer” function and others.

Sometimes, maps and visualizations with more than just a few datasets/tables/layers can be useful. Moreover, sometimes you want your tables and datasets in separate tile layers, or even to use multiple multi-table visualizations in your app. Having many datasets to visualize at once means you need to think carefully about your visualization choices and the user experience you’re providing through your app. Making multi-table maps through the CartoDB Editor, as powerful as it is, will not give you or your users the fine-grained capabilities and positive user experience as building your own custom app on the CartoDB APIs and platform will once you get beyond 4-6 “sublayers”.

CartoDB Platform APIs

There’s another good word: platform! CartoDB is not just the Editor. You have full access to all our APIs to make your own custom apps, with all the control you might want when building a large geoportal site to suit tens or hundreds or even thousands of geospatial datasets. My Madrid-based colleague on our Sales Engineering team, Daniel Carrión, and I recently put together some demonstration geoportal sites using a custom Angular.js front-end and a crafty use of CartoDB tables and the SQL API. Unique from other multi-layer visualization techniques we’ve posted in the past, this template gives you a scrollable list for a more enjoyable browsing experience when you’ve got 10+ layers. And, this technique has the benefit of being able to display multiple datasets at once and toggle them each on and off independently.

You can see a demo at http://multilayer.cartodb.io/, and even use it with your own table using the URL instructions on that page. A complete example with many datasets and even multiple, multi-layer visualizations I made to correspond with this blog post is here. Follow along below and make your own multi-layer mini-geoportal app in just a few minutes with our template!

Step 1: Create a “multilayer” table in your CartoDB account

We need a convenient place to store all the information related to each dataset and the viz.json, or CartoCSS, SQL, and other parameters to create each layer in our multi-layer geoportal app. CartoDB’s heart is the PostgreSQL/PostGIS database, so a CartoDB table makes a convienient place to edit and store this information that our application can easily retrive over the web via the SQL API. It won’t have any geospatial information, but that’s OK: this table will just be for the app’s layer “metadata,” in a way.

Create a table like Dani’s or mine with columns for:

  • CartoCSS
  • Interactivity (if you’d like infowindows, usually just cartodb_id is needed here)
  • Layer name (shown in our app’s checkbox selector UI)
  • Whether you want this layer shown or hidden by default (each time the geoportal loads)
  • SQL
  • A sql_user column (if your CartoDB tables are in an organization account)
  • A viz_json column, if you’d rather use the viz.json file to your layer. Note that layers with a viz.json file don’t need any other information in the table, as the linked file contains it all.

It may be easiest for you to “export” Dani’s or my table as a CSV and import it into your own account, which will give you all the required columns, and just modify/enter in your own data.

Note about SQL

The order of rows in most SQL databases is undefined, which means for any given database, unless you use an “ORDER BY” clause in your query, the rows will be returned in a random order or the database manufacturer will define an arbitrary order. With CartoDB, absent an ORDER BY, rows are returned from the SQL API sorted by the updated_at column. If you’re just using the demo app that Dani and I created, this means your layers will be listed in your selector in the order of earliest-update-first.

Step 2: Create your visualizations and add them to the table

Upload the datasets you want to visualize into their own tables, and create visualizations (maps) with them using the CartoDB Editor. Or hand-code your CartoCSS and SQL if you’re feeling adventurous. After you’ve tweaked each individual visualization to your liking, you can either copy its CartoCSS, SQL, and other details into your “multilayer” table. You can also copy just the viz.json link from the Editor into the respective column.

An advantage of using the viz.json link is you can create visualizations with multiple “sublayers” in the Editor, and view them through the geoportal app. For example, I have the following visualizations with only one sublayer:

Also, I created two visualizations with multiple sublayers:

Now, if you’re using the geoportal, you can check on/off “All Pennsylvania Infrastructure Layers” or “All Philadelphia Infrastructure Layers” to see these full collections of layers at a glance, rather than checking them all on individually. Also note that in each layer can have its own CartoCSS - highway districts are green in the all-Pennsylvania layer, but orange in the all-Philadelphia layer.

Step 3: Profit!

If you want to use the template we have at http://multilayer.cartodb.io/, you’re all set! Your app URL will have a few URL parameters that are described on that main page. The Angular.js app will parse those out, access your multilayer table via CartoDB’s SQL API, and list your visualizations with checkboxes to toggle them on and off.

If you use our hosted template, however, not only can we not guarantee its reliability, but the map is centered near “null island” (0° latitude, 0° longitude), and at a fairly high zoom. You can change this if you deploy our code yourself. The entire app is a few HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, so it’s not hard to host and will run sweetly on your own Github Pages if you want!

CartoDB Platform APIs

This is just a simple example of what can be accomplished visualizing multiple datasets via the CartoDB Platform. To give you an idea, just recently we found a great example (shown above) at DataFrance.info using CartoDB to display dozens of layers across all of France. What multilayer visualizations will you make?

Happy Mapping!

As American as Baseball and...Twitter Maps!


CartoDB Twitter Map for MLB Cubs v Cardinals game

Many things herald the long-awaited arrival of spring - sunnier weather, leafier trees - but no springtime event is more exciting to baseball fans than Opening Day! On an appointed day in April, all 30 Major League Baseball teams open the new season enthusiastically with 15 back-to-back ball games.

While our Madrid office tends to pay more attention to another kind of “‘bol” sport, this year’s MLB Opening Day was super exciting for us in CartoDB New York because MLB asked us to create a series of Twitter maps for each and every opening day game! How often does baseball and cartography collide?! Mapping Tweets for each team’s hashtag during their game turned out to be a great way to visualize the ferverous excitement of fans and even uncover some interesting stories. Take a look at what we found!

First Up: St Louis Cardinals vs Chicago Cubs

This was one of my favorite maps of the day simply because of the sheer size of activity we captured - over 125,000 Tweets, more than any other game. This makes sense as it was the first game, actually played on the Sunday evening before Monday, the actual opening day. This timing also probably gave more fans a chance to watch and Tweet along - not everybody gets to watch baseball while they’re at work on Monday like we did at CartoDB! There are also three distinct “bursts” over the course of the game that correspond to the timing of the three runs by St Louis.

Small City Pride: Milwaukee Brewers vs Colorado Rockies

This map isn’t super interesting at first glance, but I liked it just because of how clearly it shows the dedication of Milwaukee and Wisconsin-based fans to their home team. The game came early in the day, so only around 10,000 tweets were sent pertaining to the game, and it was a 10-0 shutout by Colorado. But just look at how brightly most of Wisconsin shines with that yellow hue…

“I thought we had a roof”: Atlanta Braves vs Miami Marlins vs The Weather

When I generated this map, it left me scratching my head for some time. Somewhere around the time of the second inning, there was a country-wide, sustained burst of Tweets specifically for the Marlins, in orange. What happened there?

Marlins Nation? I'm not so sure...

Turns out, Marlins Park is a modern stadium built in 2012 with a retractable roof to avoid rain delays. Except that retractable roofs don’t actually save you from the rain if you leave them open. Marlins’ President David Samson started the game with the roof open, and “tried to predict that a cloud would go north and it went south on top of our ballpark,” pelting the stadium with precipitation in the second inning and delaying the game for 16 minutes while the roof closed, as reported by Fox Sports. This 16-minute delay corresponds almost exactly with the orange burst in our Torque map. Add to that its comical nature and that the name of the stadium, “Marlins Park”, is the same as the team hashtag we were collecting, and you can see how we captured a bevy of Tweets from across the country from people who may have heard about the incident but didn’t start out watching the game.

This just goes to show there are stories to be uncovered everywhere, and CartoDB Twitter maps can help you find them.

CartoCSS Deep Dive: How we made the maps

This was a demanding project as we had to download Twitter data and create a map for MLB just minutes after the close of each game. With the help of a CartoCSS template we developed that we could quickly copy and paste, CartoDB more than proved to be up to the challenge!

Key parts:

  • We used CDB_Math_Mode as the Torque aggregation function, which determines the “mode” (statistics for “most common value”) of the column you give it. In the case of two-category Twitter maps like these, category_name works well.

  • To make the bubbles “grow” and fade in, we employed a series of frame-offset rules. Animated Torque maps consist of a number of frames played over a number of seconds (each set by -torque-frame-count and -torque-animation-duration). A frame-offset lets you do something a few frames before or after the main frame the feature/Tweet shows up in, so you can do fade-ins and fade-outs by changing the marker-fill-opacity, or give a “fireworks” effect by changing the marker-width property.

  • marker-fill sets the color of the dots. We had a pre-approved list of hex colors for every team in MLB, so updating each map mostly involved just changing these values!

/** torque_cat visualization */Map{-torque-frame-count:256;-torque-animation-duration:15;-torque-time-attribute:"postedtime";-torque-aggregation-function:"CDB_Math_Mode(category_name)";-torque-resolution:2;-torque-data-aggregation:linear;}#twitter_braves_marlins{comp-op:lighter;marker-fill-opacity:0.6;marker-line-color:#FFF;marker-line-width:0;marker-line-opacity:1;marker-type:ellipse;marker-width:3;marker-fill:#FF9900;}#twitter_braves_marlins[frame-offset=1]{marker-width:3;[value=1]{marker-fill-opacity:0.1;}[value=2]{marker-fill-opacity:0.3;}}#twitter_braves_marlins[frame-offset=2]{marker-width:7;marker-fill-opacity:0.08;}#twitter_braves_marlins[frame-offset=3]{marker-width:9;marker-fill-opacity:0.05;}#twitter_braves_marlins[frame-offset=4]{marker-width:11;marker-fill-opacity:0.025;}#twitter_braves_marlins[frame-offset=5]{marker-width:13;marker-fill-opacity:0.02;}#twitter_braves_marlins[value=1]{marker-fill:#CE1141;}#twitter_braves_marlins[value=2]{marker-fill:#FF6600;}

The Best Tweet of All

MLB's video of all games

Once we were done creating all the maps, MLB’s videography team put together a great 45-second video that captured the entire Opening Day Twitter bonanza, and tweeted it out on the main @MLB account!

What Twitter maps will you make?

Happy Mapping!

Nepal Coverage: Mapping Quake and Rescue


This past Saturday, an epic earthquake devastated Nepal, resulting in a profound death toll and an impressive response from the humanitarian and crisis-mapping community.

We’ll be updating this post with continuous maps focused on the Nepal region, the aftermath of the tremors, and the humanitarian response flooding media reports and Twitter testimonies globally. Read on for a summary of some informative maps and some how-tos on embedding maps in your next report.

Mapping Nepal: Search and Rescue

Multiple CartoDB users and fellow crisis mappers build visualizations of the USGS feed data on earthquake magnitude in Nepal.

Among these, @asheshwor built a magnitude map illustrating Nepal earthquakes by magnitude and time:

For a Torque review of the progressive quakes populating across Nepal over the weekend, @srogers put together a map of quakes by magnitude as well:

He and the team at Google also compiled an after-map illustrating humanitarian and search response post-quake:

For an understanding of the impact and some shareable data on the shake-rates of Nepalese provinces, take a look at this map of the concentric shake developments post-quake:

Feel free to use and distribute the USGS’ shake perimeter lines available in this map and applied as a layer to its precedent.

For far-view perspective on earthquake magnitude over 4.5 throughout South Asia in 2015, take a look at this Torque map from @kristianjensen5.

For a human population effect estimates by district in Nepal, check out this map and its affiliated population data set courtesy of OCHA’s emergency response team:

Satellite Imagery to Save Lives

We’re partnering with Digital Globe to provide free satellite images of Nepal from the past few days and to track recovery and rescue efforts in the days to come. Stay tuned for updates on the availablity of those data, and feel free to reach out to Aurelia and Santiago for support in integrating those satellite images with your reports. Take a look at the New York Times before and after imagery from Nepal for a view of what’s possible in satellite.

Share your Story

Curious about embedding a map of Nepal in your next report, blog, or dispatch? It’s as easy as copying an embed code from one of the maps above or one of your own:


Interested in additional How-tos with Nepal Data? Check out Andy’s tutorial on mapping Nepal with Policy Data. Interested in helping out? Check out the Open Street Map running tasks on their Nepal wiki.

Stay Tuned!

Food for Wisdom: CartoChat Lunches at CartoDB Madrid.


CartoDB team during a talk

Here at CartoDB we love connecting the dots, knowing a little (or a lot) about almost anything, and getting to know more about things that empower us to think outside the box—so much so that we’re organizing a complete lunchtime event for it. CartoDB Madrid is pleased to announce CartoChat Lunches every other Friday at the Madrid office of CartoDB, beginning Friday, May 8th.

Since the very beginning, many of our friends have come by the office to tell us about what they do. From nano satellites to humanitarian responses, from entrepreneurship to continuous integration workflows, we've heard dozens of inspiring stories.

CartoChat Lunches are a series of informal talks where we invite you to have lunch with us, and you give a short talk about your personal passion or professional specialty. Prepare some slides—or not—and come chat with us! We’ll be sending out individual invitations to people we already have on our radar, but please feel free to write to us if you’re not yet on it.

See you soon!

Dream Me. Build Me. Make Me Real.


On May 13, 2015 from 10 a.m. - 11 a.m., CartoDB will participate and host a session of NewCo at the CartoDB Brooklyn Office - 143 Roebling Street, 2A. Chief Science Officer Andrew Hill will present on the mastery of visualization and location and how emerging geo-technology platforms and tools are changing the way we see and understand the world around us.

CartoDB editor

One thing we definitely understand at CartoDB is the capacity of maps to bridge communities and report on current and past trends. Maps as a narrative tool reshape our understanding of our surroundings, both physically and virtually. In addition to chronicling the beautiful and exciting power of maps, Andrew will showcase how mapping technology is changing and enhancing storytelling. Participants are invited to explore how CartoDB is building a culture and community of innovation that is focused on location, histories, and visualization.

All participants are invited to make maps of their own and apply for “CartoDB Start-Up Grants,” which fund emerging companies and working citizens who build digital tools for social good.

Our partnership with NewCo highlights the sleek ingenuity of the tech industry. NewCo’s conference model allows attendees to get an opportunity to take an inside look at some of the most innovative and smart companies of our generation. Companies open their doors and invite the community to their offices for one-hour informational sessions. Attendees participate in a diverse experience of behind-the-scene tours of cutting edge work environments to founders sharing candid insights into their own entrepreneurial journey.

A Q&A session will follow. Light refreshments and nourishment will be provided.

For tickets and more info go here!

Join us for GeoJourNews!


Take a look at some of the most well-trafficked maps in our gallery and it’s not hard to understand how often data-driven journalism underscores great maps, and how common the contribution of reporters is to our community at CartoDB. To support this growing group of cartographers in newsrooms, we’re hosting a two-day conference in two weeks and you’re invited! Read on to learn more about our schedule, our speakers, and how you can score tickets!


GeoJourNews (a pun on geo-journos) is a two-day conference showcasing maps made with news data, informed by talks from some of the most prolific and creative mapmakers in our community. Co-sponsored by Knight-Mozilla Open News, the daytime conference will be co-hosted at Parson’s: The New School, with evening venues in and around New York. Our featured speakers are coders, journalists, cartographers, and educators from newsrooms and institutions around the world; including among others, Al Jazeera, ProPublica, The Guardian, the Wall Street Journal, and the Chicago SunTimes.

Sweet Schedule

Day I will be a full day of talks and keynotes followed by some lightning talks and an afterparty. Day II will be an open hackday for news-mapping projects. Join us for one or both!

Where: Parsons: The News School

When: May 15th-16th, 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Sponsors: Parson’s Journalism + Design Program, Knight Mozilla Open News

Swell Speakers

You can read more about the schedule on the conference site, but here are a few featured mapping projects from our set-list of speakers to give you a taste of what’s to come!

Ben Wellington

Ben Wellington is the author of a citizen reporting blog called iQuantNY where, among other things, he publishes maps and talks statistics and city planning, subjects he also addresses in the courses he teaches at Pratt Institute’s City and Regional Planning Program.

As a CartoDB Ambassador, he’s made some pretty cool maps, including the recently written up parking ticket fine-by-state map below:

Daniel Goddemeyer

Daniel Goddemeyer is researcher, professor, and designer whose work explores how the increasing access to personal data will change our future everyday. As a resident at our CartoDB offices in New York, Daniel works on indepedent visualization projects and building coursework for his class at SVA; and one of his recent works is currently on display at the New York Public Library!

‘On Broadway’ investigates various ways to visualize and map the longest street in Manhattan.

On Broadway

Nadja Popovich

Nadja Popovich’s work as a journalist at the Guardian-US maps data in creative but not always cartographic ways. She designs and builds interactives that track the trajectory of cultural, political, and social experience; characterizing how our circumstance and surroundings map us as humans.

You can explore an example of her stellar work in this piece on representation and diversity in US Congress, filtered and mapped by demographics, age, and education.

Are you reflected in the new Congress?

Jeff Larson

Jeff Larson is the Data Editor at ProPublica, and of late has been working at the intersection of investigative journalism and satellite mapping. His talk will feature his work in ‘space journalism’ and a breakdown of some of the slick data collection and dev work that went into Losing Ground, a ProPublica interactive about land-loss in Louisiana.

Losing Ground

Details + Discounts!

Interested in attending, giving a lightning talk, or scoring a student scholarship to fund your attendance? Check out the conference site for more information on all of the above.

If you’re a member of IRE or a NICAR attendee, you benefit from a pretty swell discount code as advertised in this post!

Best of all, the first 15 people who get to the end of this blog post have earned themselves a 95% discount!



If you’d like to tweet about the event, or the sweet speaker set list, please use the #geojournews hashtag and @cartoDB!

Hope to see you on May 15th! In the meantime, Happy Mapping!

CartoDB's Humanitarian Hand and the UN Global Pulse Annual Report


We’ve got a theory that mapping the global impact of data and information helps create better, more socially aware, and global citizens.

CartoDB's Humanitarian Hand and the UN Global Pulse Annual Report

Take a graph of a water drought in South Sudan, for example. To visualize that data on a map provides a depth of narrative that’s never before been seen.

The Annual United Nations Global Pulse Report is now available, and our collaboration with Global Pulse is just one of the many amazing endeavors we are proud to join. Global Pulse is contributing to a body of evidence that demonstrates how big data analysis can complement traditional approaches to development planning and monitoring. The importance of CartoDB in Global Pulse only further affirms our beliefs in using data for social development and humanitarian efforts.

Launched in 2009, by UN-Secretary General, the Global Pulse Initiative aims to use data sources to help facilitate development and humanitarian action. The report embraces the importance of data analysis in achieving sustainable development, in addition to demonstrating how data aggregation can play a role in influencing decision-makers and shaping public service and policy.

As a collaborator, CartoDB assisted in providing access to data, technologies, and expertise to carry out projects with social impact. The Global Pulse Report is just one of the many outstanding initiatives that demonstrates how powerful data, technology, and mapping can be, and proves our theory true!

Data Synchronization with OGR


CartoDB has an excellent and easy-to-use synced tables feature, that reads data from a public URL on a regular schedule and keeps an associated CartoDB table up-to-date. However, synced tables require the data to be publicly available so CartoDB can read it, and that the destination table get over-written at each update.

For some users, these limitations are not acceptable–their data is not public or they want to continually append new information to their table.

Fortunately, it’s easy to create your own live data tables in CartoDB, updated on your own schedule, from your private data, using the ogr2ogr tool from the open source GDAL library. The support for CartoDB in GDAL has gotten a lot better recently, so use the latest version from SVN, or the upcoming GDAL 2.0 release.

Initial Load

You can load a fresh table directly into CartoDB using ogr2ogr like this (I’m loading my trusty 1:250K map grid for British Columbia):

ogr2ogr \
  --config CARTODB_API_KEY abcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghij \
  -t_srs EPSG:4326 \
  -f CartoDB \
  "CartoDB:pramsey" \

The commandline syntax of ogr2ogr is not the most obvious thing in the world.

  • The API key is required to allow write access into the database.
  • The -t_srs EPSG:4326 option tells ogr2ogr reproject the data to geographic coordinates, which is required for data to be published via the CartoDB Editor.
  • The -f CartoDB option tells ogr2ogr to use the CartoDB driver for writing.
  • The CartoDB:pramsey entry is the destination data, in this case, the pramsey account at CartoDB.
  • The g250.shp entry is the source data.

Once the command has run though, the data are available in the CartoDB dashboard, ready for mapping. (It may take a minute for the dashboard to recognize the new table, be patient, and hit reload.)

Refreshing the Data

Once you’ve loaded and styled your data, and published your map, you want to keep the map up-to-date with the latest data. (Remember, if your data are public, then the easiest way to do this is with a synced table).

If you’ve read the ogr2ogr manual, you may want to use the -overwrite option: don’t.

The overwrite option will drop the table, and then create a replacement. For some applications this would be fine, but for CartoDB it means the associated visualizations will also get dropped. For that reason we want to leave the table in place, but simply remove the data inside it before loading new data.

  • First, remove all the existing data. We do that by sending the TRUNCATE command directly to the SQL API to quickly delete all the records in the table.

      sql=`echo "TRUNCATE TABLE g250" | tr ' ' +`
      curl "http://pramsey.cartodb.com:80/api/v2/sql?api_key=${key}&q=${sql}"
  • Then, load new data into the table. Now that the table is empty, we can run ogr2ogr in -append mode to put the new records in place.

      ogr2ogr \
          --config CARTODB_API_KEY abcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghij \
          -append \
          -t_srs EPSG:4326 \
          -f CartoDB \
          "CartoDB:pramsey" g250.shp

Now your table (and all the maps that depend on it) is full of the latest data, and you didn’t have to place the raw data on a public URL to make it happen.

Appending new Data

Sometimes applications with real-time data will not need to simply replace existing data, but rather add new data as it comes in. You can do this by just running ogr2ogr in -append mode without first running the TRUNCATE command.

The table will grow and grow and grow as you add data, and you may want to delete older data. If your raw data has a time stamp, you can use that as a key to delete old data. If it doesn’t, you can alter your table after import, to include a timestamp field that holds the date the data was loaded.

  • First, load your initial raw data.

      ogr2ogr \
          --config CARTODB_API_KEY abcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghij \
          -t_srs EPSG:4326 \
          -f CartoDB \
          "CartoDB:pramsey" g250.shp
  • Then, add a time column with a default value, so that it gets filled in automatically when new data are inserted.

      sql=`echo "ALTER TABLE g250 ADD COLUMN ts TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now()" | tr ' ' +`
      curl "http://pramsey.cartodb.com:80/api/v2/sql?api_key=${key}&q=${sql}"
  • Then, run your import in -append mode to see that new columns are timestamped with the time of import.

      ogr2ogr \
          --config CARTODB_API_KEY abcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghij \
          -append \
          -t_srs EPSG:4326 \
          -f CartoDB \
          "CartoDB:pramsey" g250.shp
  • Finally, run a scheduled job to delete all records you consider too old to map. For example, 1 week old.

      sql=`echo "DELETE FROM g250 WHERE ts < now() - '1 week'::interval" | tr ' ' +`
      curl "http://pramsey.cartodb.com:80/api/v2/sql?api_key=${key}&q=${sql}"

That’s all there is to it! The GDAL 2.0 release is expected in the next month or so, at which point binary builds for Windows and other platforms will be available. But for now, pull down the source, build, and start syncing your data with ogr2ogr!

TrendMap - CartoDB's Map of the Moment Just a Tab Away

Trendmap Logo

CartoDB is open by definition, so it’s about time we let you in on which one of the public maps you made is the most popular one at the moment. As you may be aware of, we at CartoDB love to challenge ourselves and experiment with different ideas that may end up leading to new endeavours. That’s what we do every Friday afternoon in our leapfrog sessions: team up to work on cool projects that aren’t part of our day-to-day tasks.

In one of this sessions a group of us came up with the idea of showing off the most-visited CartoDB map in an accessible and user-friendly way. That’s how the TrendMap idea was born and developed, and now we want to share it with everyone! If you’ve you ever wondered which CartoDB map is the most popular in real time, the TrendMap application is perfect for you.

Computer showing Trendmap

What this means is that you now have access to CartoDB’s most-viewed map in a single click. You’ll always be caught up on the latest news and with what’s trending, as the map updates every 20 minutes.

You can access CartoDB’s TrendMap as a free extension in the Chrome Web Store:

  • Click on “Extensions” below the search bar
  • Search for “TrendMap”
  • Add the extension to your Chrome browser
  • BOOM! Every time you open a new tab you’ll see the most-visited CartoDB map

Start actively promote your maps to see them as the most-viewed maps on TrendMap, boosting your visits at the same time. And no need to worry about your private datasets or maps—they won’t be displayed. Only your publicly available maps can be featured.

This extension is available for free because we <3 you.

Happy mapping!

Welcome Jorge


Jorge Sanz

We’re excited to introduce our latest addition to our Madrid team, Jorge Sanz! Jorge is based on our Madrid office and will be helping CartoDB users on complex projects as solution architect.

Jorge is a geospatial enthusiast coming from Valencia. He studied surveying, geodesy and cartography engineering and after a couple of years working on research moved to software development. He worked on the development of gvSIG, an Open Source GIS desktop tool.

He joined the Open Source for Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) in 2006 and helped on the launch of OSGeo.es, the Spanish Language Local Chapter, that quickly became the best community forum for Open Source for geospatial users in Spanish Language. He is a Foundation Charter Member since 2008, helps on the administration of several systems and in 2013 was elected as a member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation. At more local level, Jorge is part of the core team that coordinates Geoinquietos Valencia, a group that is part of a broader network of local geonerds. Have you heard about maptime? kinda same but in Spanish).

When it’s not coordinating a Geoinquietos activities (mapathons, workshops, geobeers or whatever) Jorge is desperately looking to change a computer keyboard by a helm or at least a rope to pull on a sailing boat, nothing that can happen easily near Madrid CartoDB office but Valencia is not that far away.

Welcome Jorge!

We're Uncle Sam Approved! Federal-friendly Terms of Use


Great news for everyone in the US Federal Government who loves maps! CartoDB has agreed with the Government Services Administration (GSA), the agency responsible for coordinating procurement across all federal agencies, to a set of “federal friendly” Terms of Use for Federal government users. You might say we’re as wholesome as apple pie.

CartoDB has agreed with the Government Services Administration (GSA)

Federal agencies around the country can now use CartoDB in a way that complies with federal law and government contracting rules, without the need to individually create specific arrangements with CartoDB.

Many government activities depend on location-based data, whether environmental, housing, demographic or otherwise, and CartoDB is already used by public servants at all levels, from New York City government to the folks at the National Park Service. These new terms make it quicker and simpler for Federal staff to create accounts and start mapping.

Are you a federal employee who has created a cool map? Let us know!

The Spanish Regional and Municipal Elections: CartoDB Powers Real-Time Results


This past Sunday was election time again in Spain. Every four years people head to the polls for a regional and municipal election that often foreshadows what is to come in the national election held later in the year. Nowadays these events are considered much more than mere voting—they’re true milestones in the story of a nation and generate huge amounts of data powered by media outlets and social media networks.

Against this backdrop maps are not only a way to show voting results, political differences between regions, and possible political coalitions, but also a dynamic & interactive tool to visualize and analyze poll predictions and real-time results. We’re proud to have been chosen by some of the most important Spanish media outlets to create election coverage maps, and are excited to share them with you. Please keep reading to explore the different projects we were working on over the weekend, and to see the evolution of the Spain’s political map!

Two weeks ago Spain’s highest-circulation daily paper and newspaper of record, El Pais, started covering conversations and Twitter activity around the different parties to monitor the pulse of the event to come. The map below shows the cuantitative and geographical outreach of these conversations.

Some of our Spain-based team also helped one of the country’s largest nationwide television stations, Antena 3, build real-time, updatable maps of Twitter conversations around the different parties on both Sunday and the day leading up to the election, when CartoDB maps were displayed on one of their special prime time programs. In the below interactive map you can see real-time tweets about the main parties by selecting and deselecting the ones you’d like to display.

But that’s not all—Antena 3 also launched its own hashtag for the elections, #HeVotado (I’ve voted), so they could follow the real-time progression of voter activity based on people’s Twitter conversations. This information provided one of their CartoDB heat maps with useful insights and behavioral patterns.

El Español, a new digital daily newspaper founded by the former director of El Mundo, another one of Spain’s newspapers of record, decided to get to the bottom of the results of the May 24th voting day by conducting a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the election results. They’ve put together a series of seven maps that explain Sunday’s election results in depth, and show the political changes that have taken place down to the local level since the last such elections in 2011.

As a company born in Spain, we’re extremely grateful to have contributed to the understanding of a key national event with our platform, and would like to express our thanks to those of you who placed your trust in us to help you map Sunday night.

If you have a map you’d like us to highlight on our blog, please don’t hesitate to contact us

Making Maps with GDELT + CartoDB


What would it look like to literally map the world’s news as it happens? What if you could reach across a growing fraction of the world’s news media every day, in real time, in 65 languages, and put a dot on a map for every mention in every article, in every language of any location on earth, along with the people, organizations, topics, and emotions associated with each place? That’s the vision that drives the GDELT Project.

In the wake of our GeoJourNews conference, celebrating journalists, cartographers and coders, we have an exciting partnership to announce with GDELT, one that we hope will only further support our community! We welcome Kalev H. Leetaru, a Senior Fellow at the George Washington University Center for Cyber & Homeland Security in Washington DC, to author a guest post demoing how CartoDB can be used to map the world’s news in real time!

The GDELT Project processes a growing fraction of the world’s news media in real time, identifying the people, locations, organizations, themes, sources, emotions, counts, quotes, and events driving global society. The GDELT Project creates a free, open platform for computing on the entire world. In essence, GDELT acts as an automated open data real time metadata index over the world’s news media.

Working closely with governments, media organizations, think tanks, academics, NGOs, and ordinary citizens, GDELT has been steadily building one of the highest resolution catalogs of the world’s local media, which it monitors in real time and partners with the Internet Archive to preserve. Since much of the world’s local news is not in English, GDELT uses one of the largest deployments of streaming machine translation to live translate the world’s news from 65 languages, accounting for 98.4% of media it finds each day. In one of the largest deployments of sentiment analysis, GDELT brings together 24 emotion (tone) mining packages that assess more than 2,300 emotions and themes from every article, including native measures for 15 languages. One of the largest multilingual geocoding platforms completes the pipeline, identifying, disambiguating, and rendering to centroid geographic coordinates every mention of more than 10 million places worldwide across 65 languages.

All of this happens 24/7, with updates every 15 minutes around the clock, and that makes for some pretty powerful and timely maps!

All GDELT on a Map

Getting to Know GDELT

The GDELT Project compiles an enormous array of information about global human society, spanning many different datasets.

Here’s a taste of what it has to offer:

  • GDELT Event Database consists of more than 313 million daily records, from 1979-present, recording over 300 categories of “events” from riots and protests to peace appeals and diplomatic exchanges, all geocoded to the city level across the globe. You can query the entire dataset in Google BigQuery or download the raw CSV files.
  • GDELT Emotions of American Television News Database processed more than 540,000 hours of English-language American domestic television news broadcasts monitored by the Internet Archive’s TV News Archive from July 2010 to October 2014 - extracting every mention of a person, organization, location, and theme from the closed captioning of each broadcast, along with thousands of emotions.
  • Africa and Middle East Global Knowledge Graph processed more than 21 billion words of academic literature comprising the majority of the research of the humanities and social sciences literature over Africa and the Middle East since 1945 (including all relevant material from JSTOR, DTIC, CORE, CiteSeerX, and CIA publications, and the 1.7 billion open web PDFs archived by the Internet Archive since 1996). A massive array of socio-cultural information was extracted from every article, including every locative mention, and the entire underlying citation graph.
  • Human Rights Global Knowledge Graph processed more than 110,000 documents from Amnesty International, FIDH, Human Rights Watch, ICC, ICG, US State, and the United Nations dating back to 1960, documenting human rights abuses across the world. A vast array of socio-cultural indicators were extracted, including all location mentions.

As you can see, there is so much data here to map, making for incredible opportunities for a mashup between GDELT and CartoDB. In December 2013, GDELT used CartoDB to produce animated and searchable maps of the geographic footprint of American television news using an earlier version of the dataset linked above. Likewise, CartoDB was used to create all of the geographic visualizations for the paper describing the Africa and Middle East GKG research. Each of these datasets includes rich geographic information, geocoded down to the city or hilltop level globally, and each is available in its entirety as open data for immediate download. However, due to their enormous size and complexity, these datasets require non-trivial programming expertise to manage and munge the data, not to mention, substantial disk and CPU resources.

We’re going to focus here on one final GDELT dataset, called the Global Knowledge Graph (GKG). In a nutshell, the GKG processes every news article across all 65 languages and extracts a vast array of metadata indicators. We’ll use a set of tools that do all of the hard work to reformat these data to make it point-and-click easy for us to map it.

The GDELT Project is one of the most ambitious programs ever attempted to codify the world’s news into computable format, and as a disclaimer, there will always be a certain level of error in the data it produces. First, there’s a lot of news media out there and monitoring local news outlets in every corner of the world is really hard. GDELT will always miss some portion of the news each day – it is not an exhaustive catalog of every report. Attempting to automate the parsing of narrative across 65 languages and literally all the world’s news technology platforms is exquisitely difficult. Combined with the subtlties of geopolitical and placename identifiers, assumptions of shared locality, the mixture of textual and visual locative cues, and transcription and typographical error, the multilingual geocoding is especially challenging!

However, the GDELT team has been exploring the geography of text for more than a decade. The data that GDELT provides overall reflects a reasonably accurate representation of the world’s media output.

Mapping with GDELT

All this is to say, you can do some pretty incredible things with GDELT data, and we’re here to make that easier!

Get the Data

  • Import from the GDELT CartoDB Account: we’ve created a hourly-synced dataset of GDELT data available in the GDELT account and in the CartoDB Data Library. Fork an hourly capture of those data to your own account for experimentation (note: once you copy this table into your account it will no longer update).
GDELT Account Datasets
  • Download the Raw Files: if you have “sync tables” enabled in your account, you can create a new table from the raw GeoJSON feed URLS and set them to sync every hour, or every 24 hours.

  • Learn about the API: the GDELT API allows you to create customized tables that include only your data of interest. See this tutorial for more on how to use the API.

Make Maps

Many geospatial analysis and approaches are possible with the API or hourly data resources. You can check out the GDELT Public Profile on CartoDB for mapping ideas and ongoing experiments!

GDELT Account Maps

For example, the map below explores the geography of discussion of protests (orange), cyber (purple) and unrest (red). An orange dot doesn’t necessarily indicate that a protest is taking place at that location, only that protest-related language appears to be associated with it over the last hour.

Instead of filtering by topic, what if we displayed every worldwide location mentioned in an article monitored by GDELT over the 12-24 hours and color-coded each location by the language of the news article mentioning it first in a given 15 minute interval? We’d end up with the animated map below of the linguistic geography of the world’s news!

Instead of language, what if we color-coded each location by the average “tone” from highly positive (green) to highly negative (red) of all worldwide news coverage mentioning each location in 15 minute increments? We’d get the real time map below of the World’s Happiest and Saddest News!

Explore the Sandbox Search Tool!

To make your first maps of the world’s news media you don’t even need to touch a single line of SQL. Instead, we’ve created an interactive Geographic News Search Tool using the CartoDB platform and the CartoDB.js library.

You can enter any major person or organization name, a GDELT Theme, the phrase “lang:”” plus one of the 65 languages GDELT translates (to display all coverage written in that language), or “domain:” and the domain name of a news outlet (to display all coverage from that domain). There’s autocomplete functionality to guide your search toward relevant coverage over the past 24 hours. Be careful to check the linked vocabularies about to generate the most robust maps!

Try searching for “lang:Portuguese” to view the locations being discussed in the Portuguese-language press, “domain:bbc.co.uk” to create an instant geographic search interface to the BBC, or the GDELT Theme “REFUGEES” to view all coverage across all 65 languages relating to Refugees.

With three layers accessible in the upper right dropdown, you can filter your search to the last hour of coverage, an animated heatmap view, and an emotional graph view showing you broader temporal patterns throughout the past 12-24 hours.

Read on to find out more about the Geographic News Search possiblities on the GDELT blog!

Stay Tuned!

We’ll be releasing more GDELT features and tutorials incrementally over the next few weeks. Stay tuned for the upcoming posts on how to use the GDELT API and CartoDB to create fully-customized maps with UI flexibliity, multilayer query mashups, and more extensive emotional/tonal analysis!

Co-Occurance Map

Looking for one last map before you go? Check out this visualization exploring the world’s news media groups by countries in clusters. In essence, for every monitored news article published anywhere in the world that mentions a given country, we compile a list of all other countries also mentioned in those articles: in essence a dynamic time-varying geographic co-occurrence network. Read more about what the visualization shows or view the live interactive display!

Meanwhile, thanks Kalev, and happy mapping to all!

Take Flight with EBP and CartoDB for Europe's Green Week 2015


The EuroBirdPortal project is launching on June 5th in support of Europe’s Green Week 2015. The EBP project tackles the important task of ornithological research and conservation by developing a viewer that tracks various bird distributional patterns built with CartoDB.

EBP Viewer

The project is a new initiative of the European Bird Census Council and aims to understand Europe-wide space and time patterns of bird distributions, which include seasonal distributional changes, migratory patterns, phenology, and categorical changes over time.

The EBP combines data from European online bird recording portals. The vast amount of data contained in these portals and the sheer amplitude of the combined geographical and taxonomic coverage offer great possibilities for research of birds across large geographical areas.

To unfold the full potential of these possibilities, the EBP’s objective is to create a common data repository and to promote protocols and mechanisms for data sharing and analysis.

EBP Demo

Using CartoDB to layer multiple data sets spatially and chronologically, and the power of torque visualizations; the EBP viewer will allow free access to thousands of amazing animated distributional maps that highlight the scope and potential of the EBP project. The demo viewer will depict weekly distributional maps of 15 different bird species. Users will be able to select two torque maps of any species, year, and type to be shown simultaneously for direct comparison. It is projected that more than 1.5 million different map combinations will be available to choose from by the end of the year.

Green Week is the annual conference on European environmental policy organized by the European Commission. The conference looks at the exciting possibilities opening up for collecting and presenting citizen science online, explores cutting-edge information systems, and examines how online information about nature conservation can better meet the needs of administrations, businesses, and the public.

GeoJourNews: To the Presses!


A short week after our conference celebrating news and maps, and a short month away from State of the Map, we wanted to write and wrap up some of the awesome of GeoJourNews. On May 15th (that is 5/15/15, the best of palindrome days!) we convened over 150 geographers, researchers and mappers to give keynotes and lightning talks on the topic of news maps. We featured 16 speakers, from a few countries and a varied program of newsrooms, attracting the communities of our planning partners at Parson’s Journalism + Design program and Knight Mozilla Open News. We learned, mapped, and built together a program of impressive talks and projects! Read on to learn more!

Relive the Magic!

Now that we’ve had a chance to process some of the footage and solicit speaker slides, we’ll be posting those so you can revisit the conference chapter by chapter. Check the schedule here to learn about the names and affiliations of all our featured speakers, and follow along on this blog as we incrementally post the remastered recordings and slides as shared with us :). Meanwhile, check out this Storify summary of the social conversation surrounding the conference!

welcome to geojournews

Daytime Talks

get more slides here

Evening Talks

Miguel Peixe on InfoAmazonia

Check out our pre-event blog post for more information on the above speakers too!

May 16th, marked the day of our followup MapHack, where a small crew of hackers, designers, and journalists came together for a half-day of learning, building and debugging maps. We had Coders for America working on civic tech projects, journalists collaborating on beach mapping and eco hacks, coders working on some slick experiments in SQL, and someone launched a pun twitter @CartoCSSPuns. Don’t miss our next event so you can share in the wonders of collab mapping with our community!

Make it personable!

Become a GeoNewsie!

Are you a journalist crafting investigative pieces supported by swell maps? We want to hear from you and help. Email Aurelia on the Community Team to score some account upgrades, hear about our special account offer with IRE, and how you can apply for a speakers slot at next year’s GeoJournews!

Ben Wellinton Venn Diagram

To that end, we recognize that though we tried our best to solicit the perfect speaker set, there’s always room for geographic and experiential diversity among conference speakers, if you have someone in mind that we should reach out to for the next round, or otherwise want to leave us feedback on your experience in attending, please fill out this super-duper-short survey.

Attend More Events!

In followup, we want you to know about some related events in the coming months, that promise to satiate your summer mapping fancy with solid talks and great opportunities to network, learn, and share.

  • State of the Map: the best conference for Open Street Map enthusiasts and contributors hosts in NYC at the United Nations this year. Check it out June 6-8th, in New York.
  • SRCCON: the best conference for data newsies, journalists, freelancers and provocative thinkers who want to make newsrooms and news production better, stronger, faster than before. Check it out June 25-26th, in Minneapolis.
  • Hacking Journalism: a great opportunity to meet and make with other geonewsies! Check it out July 11-12, Washington D.C..

Stay tuned for more info on our video captures and our push toward State of the Map! See you soon, and happy mapping!

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